Thursday, July 16, 2009

Journey Finale

Also at the end of May, we had the Journey Finale for Peake Youth. This year Steve and I got involved in this ministry at our church and it was amazing! I was the leader of the 10th Grade girls, and Steve had the 10th Grade guys. In my opinion...Peake Youth is the heart of our church. Check out this video to see what God is doing in this youth ministry! If you look closely...towards the end you'll see Steve playing 4-square at Journey

May 2009

The month started out with our friends Frank and Amanda's wedding. We also attended the rehearsal because Steve read two scriptures during the ceremony. The reception was at the Jaycees Hall in Waldorf and it was beautiful.

Mr. and Mrs. DeCanio

The next weekend our former Pastors and best friends Eric and Michele Darr renewed their wedding vows. They've been married for 11 years and have 5 kids! The ceremony was at the Jefferson Memorial in DC, what great scenery! Another treat was we got to meet their Pastor, Mark Batterson. I've read two of Mark's books: In a Pit With a Lion on a Snowy Day and Wild Goose Chase. Even though he's a Pastor and not an actual famous person, I was a little star-struck! Seriously though, I have tons of respect for him and his church NCC.

At the end of the month, we vacationed in NC. We also celebrated my sister Jaclyn's birthday, and my niece Ava's 4th birthday!

Playing catch-up

So I thought I'd have more time for this blog, but I guess it's a little harder than I thought =) Here is a recap of what's been going on with us the past few months, starting with April!

My niece Aubrie's 1st birthday!


Surprise baby shower for our church's Youth Pastors Mark & Tracy
(who had twin boys in June!)

Went to an awesome marriage workshop where we learned more about our personality types.

Lauryn jumped into the children's ministry known as "RainbowLand Park" and helped lead worship. Check out the video for all the craziness that happens on Sunday mornings.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Steve's Belated Birthday Dinner

Sunday afternoon we went over my Mom and Dad's house to hang out.  We were in Florida for Steve's Birthday (Feb 20th), so my Mom wanted to make him a belated birthday dinner =)  We're always up for a nice home cooked meal!! 

 Had a blast with Ava as usual.  She's getting so big and grown up.  She gave us a Taylor Swift performance where I'm pretty sure she actually thinks she "becomes" Taylor.  Aubrie is such a cutie, and so vocal now.  Grandma and Papaw were there so that was good because I'm trying to convince them to go on vacation with us in May. 

Oh, AND  Jaclyn and John brought the Wii with them.  Grandma got up and on the first try bowled a strike!  I did the Wii boxing and it is great for getting frustration out.  I'm not ashamed to say that I woke up sore the next day.

Playing with Snoopy and her Shamrock bandana

Crazy Ava =)

Julianna's Birthday Party

Saturday Steve and I went to his little cousin Julianna's 5th birthday party.  We had to go across the Bay Bridge to the Kent Island area.  The place was pretty cool, "Island Secret Garden"-aka, big open space with lots of stuff for kids to climb on.  Jeanne put together such a great party.  I know all the kids had a blast!

Aunt Laura was in town from Florida as well.  We just got to see her in February, but it was really good to see her again so soon =)  She gave me an Easter flower pen, some little rubber duckies to add to our collection (I'll have to share about that in another post).  

Julianna getting her face painted.  What a beautiful butterfly!

Steve looking sweet and cute =)

Posing with the birthday girl

Friday, March 13, 2009

Wedding Bloopers

Great and funny moments from our wedding reception
Videography by Ben Derrickson-Wisteria Productions

Welcome =)

After random web surfing yesterday, I realized a lot of people I know have these Blogs.  Although most of them have children and I don't, I figured "why should I be left out??"  I thought this would be a good way for our families near and far to still know what's going on in our lives.  Today is March 13th, so we've been married for 6 months!  In some ways it's gone by really fast, and in other ways it feels like we've been married for years.  So, to start off this blog, please help us celebrate our 6-month mark by checking out some of our wedding pictures.

Can you tell what my favorite color is??

Kisses for me =)

At the reception

Posing with my sister and her hubby at the end of the night